Scenes-with-text Detection (v5.0)

About this version

  • Submitter: marcverhagen
  • Submission Time: 2024-05-22T14:32:58+00:00
  • Prebuilt Container Image:
  • Release Notes

    This release adds a script to run a server-less app from the command line, adds and fixes parameters, and updates dependencies.

    • Added CLI capabilities
    • Added allowOverlap parameter
    • Added map parameter for postbin mapping
    • Updated to clams-python 1.2.2
    • Updated base container to clams-python-opencv4-torch2:1.2.2
    • Simplified model names
    • Documentation updates

About this app (See raw metadata.json)

Detects scenes with text, like slates, chyrons and credits.


(Note: “*” as a property value means that the property is required but can be any value.)

Configurable Parameters

(Note: Multivalued means the parameter can have one or more values.)

  • startAt: optional, defaults to 0

    • Type: integer
    • Multivalued: False

    Number of milliseconds into the video to start processing

  • stopAt: optional, defaults to 9223372036854775807

    • Type: integer
    • Multivalued: False

    Number of milliseconds into the video to stop processing

  • sampleRate: optional, defaults to 1000

    • Type: integer
    • Multivalued: False

    Milliseconds between sampled frames

  • minFrameScore: optional, defaults to 0.01

    • Type: number
    • Multivalued: False

    Minimum score for a still frame to be included in a TimeFrame

  • minTimeframeScore: optional, defaults to 0.5

    • Type: number
    • Multivalued: False

    Minimum score for a TimeFrame

  • minFrameCount: optional, defaults to 2

    • Type: integer
    • Multivalued: False

    Minimum number of sampled frames required for a TimeFrame

  • modelName: optional, defaults to 20240409-091401.convnext_lg

    • Type: string
    • Multivalued: False
    • Choices: 20240212-132306.convnext_lg, 20240409-093229.convnext_tiny, 20240409-091401.convnext_lg, 20240126-180026.convnext_lg, 20240212-131937.convnext_tiny

    model name to use for classification

  • useStitcher: optional, defaults to true

    • Type: boolean
    • Multivalued: False
    • Choices: false, true

    Use the stitcher after classifying the TimePoints

  • allowOverlap: optional, defaults to true

    • Type: boolean
    • Multivalued: False
    • Choices: false, true

    Allow overlapping time frames

  • map: optional, defaults to ['B:bars', 'S:slate', 'S-H:slate', 'S-C:slate', 'S-D:slate', 'S-G:slate', 'W:other_opening', 'L:other_opening', 'O:other_opening', 'M:other_opening', 'I:chyron', 'N:chyron', 'Y:chyron', 'C:credit', 'R:credit', 'E:other_text', 'K:other_text', 'G:other_text', 'T:other_text', 'F:other_text']

    • Type: map
    • Multivalued: True

    Mapping of a label in the input annotations to a new label. Must be formatted as IN_LABEL:OUT_LABEL (with a colon). To pass multiple mappings, use this parameter multiple times. By default, all the input labels are passed as is, including any negative labels (with default value being no remapping at all). However, when at least one label is remapped, all the other “unset” labels are discarded as a negative label.

  • pretty: optional, defaults to false

    • Type: boolean
    • Multivalued: False
    • Choices: false, true

    The JSON body of the HTTP response will be re-formatted with 2-space indentation


(Note: “*” as a property value means that the property is required but can be any value.)

(Note: Not all output annotations are always generated.)